Work with me
Imagine you…
Loving YOUR whole beautiful life.
Creating your heart’s desire.
Yes, YOU!
Right now.
Are you ready to…
Discover who you are, essentially?
Clarify what you want?
Commit to honoring yourself?
Live a deeply satisfying and blissful life?
Clients often share with me that being a parent is simultaneously the most rewarding and the most challenging thing they have ever done. I understand how easy it is to feel off track. And, I also know, that it can feel differently. Working with me not only shows you how to get the connection you want and the cooperation you need from your kids, day-to-day, it also illuminates ways parenting is an opportunity for powerful personal growth. My work is about helping you cultivate the mindset and skills of living a conscious family life.
Personalized Coaching
I coach individuals, couples, and families. Every coaching relationship is unique and customized based on the needs and desires of the individual or family.
Folks I choose to work with are 100% committed to creating a personal, parenting, and family life experience that is conscious and bursting with joy, love, and abundance! I’m skilled at helping people get clear on where they want to go and supporting them to make the changes to get there. It’s astounding to be a part of people’s journeys in such deep and personal ways.
If this is what you are looking for, let’s connect. I’d love to learn more about you and your family and share what a coaching relationship with me might look like. To give you a taste of some of the ways I’ve supported individuals and families, here are a few “dream scenarios” my clients and I created together. They might be what you’re needing, or you may have something else in mind. Let me know. I look forward to hearing from you.
Wish → We feel like we’ve lost ourselves and we are drowning as a family. It would be so helpful to have you on our team to troubleshoot in the challenging moments and strategize how we can feel more connected now and down the road. Our family means everything to us and we want to feel calm, clear and steady and need a coach to make that happen.
Granted → Together, we craft a rhythm that is exactly right for you all. A weekly deep dive call, to help you get clear on where you are where you want to be heading. Daily texts with check in prompts and personalized notes of support and love. And on call support when needed.
Wish → I just need a day to step out of life, get clear on what’s going on, be heard, and get real guidance on how to deal with some sticky situations at home with my children and partner.
Granted → You need a clarity day. We’ll meet and you’ll tell me what’s going on. I listen, reflect and help you sort it all out. At day’s end, you have new tools, clarity, and possibly a new lease on life.
Wish → I need to get back to myself and gain some perspective on a few parenting challenges. I would like to pick your brain and get your insight.
Granted → Let’s do a one-hour session on the phone or zoom. If history serves, by the 45-minute mark, you’ll have ticked off your list and be raring to get back to your day.
I will...
Motivate. Inspire. Uplift. Remind. Support. Reflect. Challenge. Appreciate. Love. Help you clarify exactly what you want and move toward it. |
You will...
Explore. Experiment. Expand. Evolve. Create. |
“I am endlessly grateful to be working with you and to know you and be guided by you. The shifts that are happening on all levels internally & externally with our family are linked back to you. I can’t thank you enough for all you’re doing for us and for me.
I also can’t thank you enough for Wednesday, wooooooow. I have never felt such ease in my head. I am still processing how all of that worked, and how immediate it was. It’s helped me pull back on my fears and gave me more space and awareness around them. I want to cry just thinking about it. You really helped me in a way I have been searching for forever. So grateful to have you and all your tools.”
“Working with you one-on-one has been transformational. You teach, listen, reflect and help me see parenting in a new way. Not to mention showing me how to course correct when things go off track — because they do. Working with you in this way is like turbo charging the process because it’s continuous and I’m immersed in it. And you can’t argue with the results. Nearly every area of my life is juicier, happier and more full. I have more emotional resources, my relationship with my son is amazing and my business has taken off. What a fantastic investment. — Jeanne”
Workshops + Retreats
Traveling, connecting with people, sharing ideas, crafting specific offerings for the groups I’m working with, finding just the right place for a perfect gathering… I love it all!
In addition to one-on-one coaching, I travel the world speaking to groups, big and small. There's a magic that happens when people come together, push pause on regular life — for a few hours or a few days — exhale, dive into a topic, write, talk, listen, learn, connect, commiserate and inspire one another. The recharge is deep and lasting.
If you would like to host an event, reach out and let’s make it happen.
Following are some examples of events I’ve done in the past, to get your wheels turning:
Living room workshops on brain development
Retreats with a group of friends
Teacher and staff trainings at a school
Self-regulation workshops with a group of medical interns
Multi-day, deep-dive, retreats with a group of women
Intergenerational facilitated conversations
Pre- and perinatal exploration with birth professionals
Nature walk and talks with teens and parents
Child development and parenting discussion with middle-schoolers
Prenatal parenting classes
Mama/baby gatherings in the park
“The Big Stuff” retreats— Money, Emotions, Sexuality, Technology
“I cannot thank you enough for your energy, expertise and love for children, families and the field of early childhood education. It truly was an honor to have you at the center. I have been hearing from both parents and teachers how impactful they feel you were to their work at the center and in their personal lives. Thank you for being so supportive and gracious to all!”
“I wanted to send you a big thank you! I received much positive feedback from the group about last week’s workshop. Likewise, both my wife and I were astonished by the call. We actually had trouble falling asleep, as we were so hyped by all the goodness you shared :) It was so good.
Thank you for making the time to be with us. This speaks highly of your character and dedication to help others and thereby make the world a bit better/brighter. You are such a humble and noble human being and I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to cross paths with you.”
About Carrie
Carrie Contey, PhD has spent the last two decades guiding, supporting and inspiring parents to know and trust themselves, deeply. And as a result, there are thousands of parents all over the world who feel skillfully equipped, personally fulfilled, and authentically connected with their people in all phases of development.
Book a Free 30 Minute Discovery Call
“I want to send my appreciation for all you have provided to our family, in terms of increasing the number of tools available for us and providing a series of new prompts to deepen our relationship with each other, all the while creating a lot more space. ”