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Knot Parenting
The Podcast
Untangling the sticky stuff of family life
with carrie contey, phd
Hit #7 in Parenting Podcasts with a Five Star Rating!
What would it be like to feel steady and confident in your parenting?
Do you ever think about how to truly savor these precious years with your growing people?
Perhaps most importantly, do you dream of creating connected relationships that endure beyond childhood?
Your Host
Carrie Contey, PhD has spent the last two decades guiding, supporting and inspiring parents to know and trust themselves, deeply. And as a result, there are thousands of parents all over the world who feel skillfully equipped, personally fulfilled, and authentically connected with their people in all phases of development.
Join Carrie, along with her friend and collaborator, Kristen Manieri, as they explore what it means to Knot Parent.
Let’s get untangling!
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Episode 1
Why Knot Parenting?
In this introductory episode, Carrie lays the foundation of her parenting philosophy and explores what it means to knot parent. She unpacks her five Ps for approaching parent development (paradigm, paradox, perspective, process, and practice) and offers a new model for parenting, one rooted in seeing parenting as a relationship and a partnership. Carrie invites parents to see themselves as growing and evolving alongside the people they’re parenting, and to take it all – the joyful moments and the tough days – as opportunities to become more of who we’re meant to be.
Episode 2
It’s All About the Nervous System
Inside our grown-up adult bodies and the still-growing bodies of children is a great big nervous system that regulates our emotions, thoughts and behaviors all day long. Having an understanding of how we all regulate ourselves gives us a broader perspective of what’s really going on when we’re dysregulated. This awareness gives us access to a set of tools for getting and staying steady. In this episode, Carrie explains how families are simply a bunch of nervous systems bumping up against each other, creating knots, and getting tangled up. However, when we become aware of what’s happening under the surface, and become skillful at keeping ourselves and our kids resourced, we start to navigate more peacefully and consciously through the turbulence and into calmer waters.
Episode 3
Self-Aware + Self-Care
While self-care is a critical tool for the steady, sturdy parent we aim to be, its precursor is self-awareness. In this episode, Carrie shares her insights on the practices of pausing, noticing and tending, all functions of developing self-awareness. As we learn to pause and tune into our inner and outer experience in any given moment, we begin to gain access to our steadier selves, our inner knowing, and our wise discernment. Not only does this allow us to become less reactionary and more intentional in our parenting, but also more grateful, peaceful, and loving.
Episode 4
Transcending fear
Parenting can feel very high stakes. There can be so much gripping and anxiety to get it right. We can become fixated on doing enough and comparing ourselves to others. And, with no shortage of parenting advice everywhere we turn, it’s no wonder that parents can often feel lost, afraid, and overwhelmed. In this episode, Carrie focuses on how we can change our mindset about our role and our approach so that we can feel less pressure and more confidence. By integrating tools such as self-awareness, self-resourcing, and appreciation, we can begin to stand more firmly in our role and feel less attached to the idea of “doing it right.”
Episode 5
There’s No Right Way, So Find Your Way
Who hasn’t wondered… Is there a right way to parent? Am I doing this right? Am I doing enough? In this episode, Carrie shares her insights on there being no “right way” to parent, that it’s more about cultivating healthy ways of relating and building a family life that works for each of us individually. When we find our way through the noise of experts, norms, and opinions, we tap into an inner knowing, confidence, and courage to trust ourselves and the process (not prescription) of raising humans.
Episode 6
It’s All One Big Experiment
Imagine approaching parenting like a curious researcher running experiments and greeting the results with openness and non-attachment. In this episode, Carrie shares her insights on seeing the parenting journey like it’s one big experiment. When we cultivate a spirit of play, curiosity, and non-attachment–instead of resisting how life unfolds–we gain access to a lightness that brings ease and grace to the journey.
Episode 7
Appreciate, Love, and Savor
What role do appreciation, love, and savoring play in this parenting journey? They are the things that bring richness, joy, and meaning to family life. In this episode, Carrie shares her insights on the importance of paying attention to what really matters and focusing on what’s working and what’s good. We all know what it’s like to get stuck in a drudgery mindset of raising our kids. But when we learn to train our focus towards what’s good and give ourselves permission to delight in the miracle of this parenting experience, we begin to create the habit of appreciating, loving, and savoring… and life starts to feel really good.
Episode 8
Untangling the Knots
Guess what? This parenting thing can feel really good. As Carrie wraps up this mini-series, she reviews some of her foundational concepts (understanding the nervous system, self-awareness, transcending fear, finding your way, etc.). Turns out that in the midst of all of this child development there’s a lot of parent development going on, too. We’re evolving, growing, and learning right alongside our kids. How cool is that?