Help with hitting?

You said not to resist what actually is – so if my child is hitting me it’s best not to say “we don’t hit”. So if she’s hitting me, I can tell her I don’t want to be hit and I’m moving my body away, and if she is hitting her sister, I can ‘protect’ her sister being hit and move her away. What if my child is hitting someone else’s child? I can’t pick up some random kid and tell my children that I am protecting their body (awkward!).

Yes, totally awkward.

I would get down on her level and whisper in her ear, “That’s not ok. I’m going to help you right now.” And then move your body or just move her body and get her somewhere away from the child. If she’s hitting, then she’s dysregulated and she needs your help. The goal would be to catch her before her brain goes reptile and she’s hitting someone. Not always possible.